29 Mar, 2024
Lakin constantly communicates and connects with District 8 residents in-person and through social media. During the 2019 flood, Lakin provided Keystone release rates, flood maps, and emergency plans in real-time, so neighbors were able to react and prepare for the quickly changing conditions. He prepares videos and written updates on road projects and closures, trash collection, and various other activities so people know about and can plan for what is happening. Transparency and consistent, intentional communication will continue to be hallmarks of the work that Lakin does for south Tulsa.
29 Mar, 2024
Phil led efforts on Tulsa’s three latest capital packages, all approved overwhelmingly by voters: Improve Our Tulsa, Vision Tulsa, and Improve Our Tulsa 2. Collectively, these packages dedicated $1.2 billion to streets and transportation - four times more than what was invested in the previous 32 years, on an annual basis. Phil supported permanent funding for 160 additional police officers and 65 firefighters, to keep our families safe, and to invest in visionary projects to build a dam and lake in south Tulsa, create a brand new Gilcrease Museum, add fighter jet simulators to our Air National Guard base, and build the dynamic Discovery Center Children’s Museum.  To keep Tulsa beautiful, Lakin created and funded crews who have collected thousands of tons of trash from our roads. Through the renewed PSO franchise, Phil led efforts to beautify our city by dedicating over $70 million to bury ugly power lines, increase mowing cycles for medians, and maintain highway lighting.
29 Mar, 2024
It’s easy to see that Lakin kept his commitment to widen our roads, with the on-time completion of 101st and Yale widening and the two ongoing projects on Yale and on 81st. Lakin lifted the widening moratorium of old councils and restored $100s of millions to make critical widening possible again. And more is on the way, with 101st and Sheridan and 81st (Harvard to Yale) widening planned. Lakin is hands-on and gets the work done, involving homeowners and associations in every aspect of project planning and design, so our streets exceed our expectations and add value to our community.


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